Monday, January 27, 2014

1st reflection

     Well, I know Carl Jung To be a famous person in his own rights, but didn't expect him to be so spot on in assessing my personality from about 70 questions that seemed random until the end. Kind of threw me off for a minute in being that it was so spot on in not only how I see my self, but in listing my actual strong points, weaknesses and even things I really love to do. So naturally I started to look around and make sure I wasn't being punked by any body I know, cause this was almost freakishly accurate.   One thing that stood out for me was a line " ENFPs have what some call a silly switch. They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip the switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD" , that is so me!  So reflecting on that aspect was pretty cool,  reading how you are or how you may feel when its on point kind of warrants its own reflection. It also makes me aware of how in tune I may already be with understanding myself, since i felt this way naturally when i woke this am before taking the test. What I'm wondering after reading through this description, is how it will affect or help in my writing? I know how most of these attributes assist me in my daily life, but how will this personality transition into writing. Now I find myself reflecting again... After a few moments in thought, I'm not really sure the test in itself is going to help or assist me in writing this semester. But if i could find a way to get more of " me" into my writing then maybe understanding me a little bit more could actually help along the way. Now i am left wondering  what I'm learning about myself via these writings, and honestly not much I guess. When you know yourself you know, didn't happen over night but after a few good 30 plus years of living and a few of those raising kids, you learn yourself pretty fast. What I'm most interested in finding out is how others may view my writings, or what they can perceive of me based on the content of my writings or even my writing style. Yes I'd like to believe I have style in everything I do :-) I'm thinking that is what may drive me to either try and hone the skills I have or totally adapt new ideas, or whatever necessary to make improvements.

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