Monday, February 10, 2014

Faith in faith

 Well when it comes to me and my approach to life its pretty simple. Faith, my faith in God is so strong that I'm always ok if that makes sense? Not really worried about much, well at least the big things in life, food, shelter, love, work, income,  and happiness.. these things are all around when needed. I will admit, being human forces me to focus on the tirvial things in life sometimes, like bills, traffice, school,  and being on time.. etc. Then when you take a moment and find yourself in the moment constantly learning something or a lesson, or realizing that where you are now is based on a decision you made in life earlier. We all have choices, those choices lead to actions or reactions based on who is involved, but in every bit of that you are either learning something that is helpful to you now, later in life or something that will help another person. I've found that we as people either learn life lessons and continue to grow, or we dont learn and stay tuck in the same place wondering why? When you realize that even in the worse situations you can learn to overcome and prepare yourself for future calamity. We know it will happen one day, the question is how prepared are you for it?,brings us full circle to the faith. knowing that my past has lead me here and prepared me for life is a wonderful feeling. New things can be scary but having faith keeps you at ease

1 comment:

  1. I believe God prepares us for our future and many times we get off track when we loose our listening ears. However, one who can capitalize from their mistakes is a strong soul with a listening heart.I have learned over the years to listen to God even when I think I know best. Truth is, I don't. Following a path which was laid before me is hard to figure out sometimes. At times it is over grown and not very visible. However, I know it's there hiding for me to uncover and clear the brush away paving a way to a better future.
