Wednesday, April 23, 2014

 Carl D. Hicks
Instructor Kelly Anthony
English 101
10 April 2014
What is a place

What is a place? And where do I want go? Where is it that I’ve been before that I just have to get back to? This for me is hard being I want to go everywhere at all times. The idea of places unseen with these eyes and smelled I haven’t smelled with this nose excites me. If I had to choose just one place with personal meaning to me, the closest thing I can think of to one place to me is “the beach”. There is one beach in particular that has special meaning being it was the most recent memories I have of my father.
I’m from Chicago Illinois, a place where silence is a sound all in its own. Where people and objects seem to buzz by at the speed of life and light. Colors, sounds, smells all intermingled with diversity of skin, culture and gender. Different heights, weight and social classes, some compasses made with morals others with murals. This jungle is dense with concrete structure and the only patches of grass exist in between each sectioned off maze of walk and alley ways. As a Child being raised in the city, the buzz of the constant noise of thousands of people moving at once all in different directions became the normal. Everyday seeing the stuff people report on the news or the theme behind the Sunday night specials via the corner store was life in the big city. The lullabies at night believe it or not were the songs of police sirens and the rhythm of gunshot noises. There was no sleep when it was too quiet outside, just never really happened. These things day after day, year after year you become jaded into thinking this way of life is life. That smog and over population of certain neighborhoods, segregation amongst socialization, and only aspiring to continue on in this fashion was all the norm.
This for me all changed one summer I was set to visit my father in Virginia beach VA Not only do I get to finally spend some real time with my dad, whom I’ve spent time with before, but I spent more time learning of his legend ,but I also get to see what these little eyes have only dreamed of before. I remember the smell of the chicken frying and the popcorn popping in the kitchen. The grease popping as she lightly flours the wings, the white powder hits the air, and about the same time the oil in the other pot is hot enough to drop in the popcorn kernels. I recall the old suit case coming down from the top of the closet, still dusty from the last time it was used. See we were getting ready for a road trip. The idea of driving from Chicago to Va as a child it just seemed so far. We didn’t have a thousand McDonalds and Wendy’s along the route back when, and in our social class you packed lunches and saved money accordingly. The only entertainment I remember having as a child was claiming which car we passed on the highway as ours. The bottles of beer song and annoying all the adults with the” are we there yet” question. As a child that question if posed at the right moment can get a wonderfully aggravated response that leads to muffled chuckles cause you know your sister is going to ask in t-minus 5 minutess. The songs of the seventies blaring out of the tape deck, all foreign to us cause those were moms jams. Songs that made her and my uncle groove as we punched each other for touching or getting too close in the back all while trying to remain quiet and still. Definitely didn’t want that hand that reaches back without looking and just a swinging hitting what and whoever all the while keeping that other hand on the wheel and face forward to drive. Minutes turn to hours and songs turn to sleep, the driving motion and seeing nothing but trees pass in the distance is somewhat hypnotizing to a child and sleep isn’t an option you choose, it chooses you. Awaking only to the oohs and ahhs as we get ready to drive through a tunnel under the ocean. Trying to remain calm while imaging a whale hitting the side of the tunnel of it flooding for some reason the ways I would, as the 9 yr old man of the family, get all my loved ones to safety with my super powers. The coming out on the other side, literally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was the most magical.
Windows are down , the smell of the salt water hitting or nostrils for the first time, The sun felt like it rested on our shoulders, just beyond our reach it seemed. When all you see it tall buildings and shade, seeing the sun in all its orange and bright glory is amazing. We tried to get used to the humidity and heat all at the same time, it being our first time we didn’t know what to expect, and I’m sure my mom didn’t expect two half naked kids in her back seat either, but you learn to adjust on the fly. All the while the whispers of two little kids began to grow into questions like, what is this place? Did we go to another country? Everything was different from what we knew. There is something more than the city and the places we see on TV are real, very real and my dad lives here.
From that point on, something about putting your feet in the soft but gritty sand, smelling the scent of water heavily salted. The breeze that comes off the water ever so calmly, imagining how many other feet sank in the same spot. Looking into the ocean and as far as you can see is more ocean. Seagulls and other birds of the sea, swaying back and forth in the wind. Wondering what brave soul in history looked at that and thought to himself I will not be bound to this boundary because I know it’s something else out there. It gives me the sense of infinite options and opportunities. Goals and out comes, games and endings and that the world is really round, so there isn’t an edge that you can reach you cant overcome. Almost a metaphor of hope all in itself.
Not knowing at the time we would only have one more summer with my dad, being we got to have the last two together in such a wonderful place made it even more special for me. Makes the thought of this summer special as well, because I get to have that experience with my kids. The car ride, the snacks the songs and the most of all, the memories

Friday, March 28, 2014

Cheesie Goodness

The joy acends as the sun peeks beneath the blinds, dancing on the ceiling making its way across the room to the squints in my eyes. Today is the day I get to see the dazzling white smiles, and energetic tones of excited loves ones. Why excited you say? Today  the magnificent cousin/uncle Carl is making his famous cheesie Potatoes. Dinner went from the intimacy of 2 people enjoying a night of delicious bliss, to a gang of ravenous, but enjoyable family members who even though, add joy to my smile, they also add chaos to the kitchen. In preparation for said madness, getting an early start is the only way to subside the waves of hungry guest entering my sanctuary asking the ever so familiar question , is it done yet? So to save me from the natural sarcastic responses that seem to roll off my tongue tongue and them from looking at me with disgust as they hear maybe and insult wrapped in a smile, I chose to get started while it was just me and the kitchen. Getting ready to mix n match some harmony with bliss. As I grab the giant  baking  potatoes from the pantry, chosen specifically for their girth, so fresh loose earth is still falling from the spuds. After a nice rinse, I channel my inner sailor and peel those things like its my duty. A nice salute to my favorite chefs knife, the trusty sidekick who is always sharp and on point. I'm very familiar with the art of Ginsu so slicing and dicing becomes a rhythmic game of precision. Now to prepare these spuds for a nice hot bath in a pot of boiling water, very important to the process to soften and release some of the starch.  As the water churns and bubbles bubble we turn our attention to the pan that will be their final resting place before being devoured in a carnivorous bur happy way. Here we add the ness to the delicious.This dish isn't for the calorie squeamish, we use real butter, cannot be substituted with I cant believe its not or margarine. They didnt churn that stuff when this recipie was made so we mae sure to stick with it. The cheese is all on you, personally i use the velet of cheeses, velveeta. Creamy smooth silky like texture and it melts very well once you added the right amount of milk. The next and most important part is my secret, so moving on, once the potatoes have cooked for at least 10 to 15 minutes they are ready for the immaculate bed of cheese,milk, and secret ingredients awaiting their presence so effortlessly. Give it a good mix  like martial arts, less the board breaking, you have to make sure everything is blended so all the ingredients meld well together vulcan style. With the oven preheated to the coveted 350, you place them inside the oven until the very top layer of cheese begins to brown, and you here the bubbling of the cheese and the sizzling from the oven. As well as  the people arriving closing their eyes and envisioning the last time the taste of these wonderful spuds danced on their tongues. You can almost feel them tasting them as they lick their lips while effervescently looking for plates and silverware. Once out of the oven, if you aren't mangled by the stampede of people, placing mounds of cheeiness on their plate and some double mounds, even the lactose intolerants of the bunch, you see the chef crack a smile knowing satisfaction is in the air in the form of joy.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Where I want to be

Now this one here is kind of a tricky question for me, being where i truly wanna be isn't really a place technically. Where i want to be truly is more of a state of mind. Where i want to be is stress free, able to love fully and unconditionally. The normal worries are out the window, because i'm well off enough for my kids and their kids kids to  be guaranteed a good life. I want to be in perfect health and in harmony with God. I want to be the role model i need to live up to for my kids to grow and become a functional yet important part of society. I want to be in a place where the lines of color are erased and we see each other as the brothers and the sisters that we truly are. I want to be better. i want to be in a place where wants are no longer wants but on a waiting list to be either acquired or done. I want to be in a place where my family is at peace and can enjoy each other in the way we were meant to with out the rat race or the sheople mentality. I want to be in a place where all things become possible with faith stored from my belief. I want to be free of what society sees as the struggle. as real as the struggle is i'm tired and just wanna be free. Now there we go. Where  I want to be is truly FREE.

Friday, March 7, 2014


well when it comes to hells n heaven's lol this week has been allot of heaven's for me.. been focusing on being happy and one by one all of the hells in my life have started to relieve them selves with out me trying too hard. The one thing i couldn't get away from was the weather of course lol whenever we have a snow day it always throws ever\ything off with work school and the kids. But as we all know the snow melts and life goes on . so here we are living it.. one thing that bothered me a lil was being somewhat unprepared for a quiz in my voice class on Thursday and just wanted that little extra time during the break to practice and low and behold as soon as class started she told me i was going last or most likely after the break. so the idea of going in front of the group ill prepared had me in hell but the heaven shone through as soon as the class started.. beyond that i think i may have met my match in laughter. A goofy young lady was introduced to me over the weekend and i have had a perma grin on my face ever since. compared to the crazy ex sending messages over the weekend before, the hell is on its way out to make room for the heaven that is waiting for me..all in all it makes since that you create your surroundings, all it takes sometimes is a positive thought or move in a positive direction for things to change or turn around.. So no more hell only accepting heaven from here on in.. to add to that one of the hardest things to do is realize that people sometimes carry ideas and attitudes with them around other people. sometimes its not your mood that needs to be changed but you need to change the people to enhance the mood.. more so than not has that one been ringing true lately. So keep your eyes open for the seasons we let stay in our life too long. Like this winter season lol

Friday, February 28, 2014


so i see a tall lanky- like woman whos totally fit and athletic. Confident and just as boisterous. a perfect mix between skinny and chubby. Dark hair and she looks sexy in her glasses, in a way they magnify her pretty eyes. To top it off she is very friendlly, observaant and if  she sees you down shes quick to act crazy or tell a funny story. to show what kind of heart she has she drives out to the country to play bball with parapalegics in the wheel chairs herself as well.


so i see a tall lanky- like woman who is totally fit and athletic. Confident and just as boisterous. a perfect mix between skinny and chubby. Dark hair and she looks sexy in her glasses, in a way they magnify her pretty eyes. To top it off she is very friendly, observant and if she sees you down shes quick to act crazy or tell a funny story. to show what kind of heart she has she drives out to the country to play bball with paraplegics in the wheel chairs herself as well.

As  i enter the room, my eyes scan until they stop on a figure as tall as the door frame i just walked in under and her  Extremities were elongated, This female also donned the shape of a physical trainer, you could see her muscle tone through the dress. Her aura was evident from the way she held her head high and from  listening to her converse i came to find her to be bold and blunt at the same time. Perfection in its description, not thin like the runway models who starve themselves and equally not in the category of a plus sized model, if i were Goldi locks she would be just right. Easily approachable, very engaged in the conversation and tries to include everyone as well.  anyone showing some form of  sadness in her midst will be in for a treat. I've come to find that she makes up a  million skits in her head ready to play out at any time the mood seems to sullen. The most touching thing i heard throughout the evening was the humanitarian work she does for people unable to walk using their legs alone, specifically since her brother came home a  wounded war veteran

Monday, February 10, 2014

Faith in faith

 Well when it comes to me and my approach to life its pretty simple. Faith, my faith in God is so strong that I'm always ok if that makes sense? Not really worried about much, well at least the big things in life, food, shelter, love, work, income,  and happiness.. these things are all around when needed. I will admit, being human forces me to focus on the tirvial things in life sometimes, like bills, traffice, school,  and being on time.. etc. Then when you take a moment and find yourself in the moment constantly learning something or a lesson, or realizing that where you are now is based on a decision you made in life earlier. We all have choices, those choices lead to actions or reactions based on who is involved, but in every bit of that you are either learning something that is helpful to you now, later in life or something that will help another person. I've found that we as people either learn life lessons and continue to grow, or we dont learn and stay tuck in the same place wondering why? When you realize that even in the worse situations you can learn to overcome and prepare yourself for future calamity. We know it will happen one day, the question is how prepared are you for it?,brings us full circle to the faith. knowing that my past has lead me here and prepared me for life is a wonderful feeling. New things can be scary but having faith keeps you at ease